Case Studies and Tool Kit

Resilience Tool Kit for Food Providers – 

This document is designed to assist Food Providers in developing their work to support those struggling with food insecurity. 

Food Provider Case Studies

If you are a food provider, it would be really helpful if you could share with us case studies of the people who have accessed your service. These anonymous case studies will help us to better understand the needs that are leading people to need assistance with food, and to recognise patterns in the situations that people are facing.


What are case studies?

Case studies are a means of capturing and recording the stories of people accessing support and can be useful for exploring a situation in depth and detail. Case stories can help provide a rounded picture of the person’s journey e.g. what things were like before they engaged with the project, why and how they made changes and what is different as a result?


Case Study Template

We have put a Case Study Template together, that you can complete and send to us, to hopefully make this process easier.
You can download the form as a PDF here: Food Provider Case Study Form.
Please return this form to [email protected].
You can also fill in the form online by clicking here

Please read the guidance at the top of the form and complete the information sharing consent question at the end.
It’s useful to have as much information as possible, but any information you can give will be helpful. If you would prefer, you can send a few lines by email to [email protected] information sharing consent question at the end.

It’s useful to have as much information as possible, but any information you can give will be helpful. If you would prefer, you can send a few lines by email to [email protected].